
Brescia, Italy: 12-13 December 2024


Optical 3D Metrology (O3DM) is a series of conferences that build on the heritage of SPIE Videometrics (1991-2017) and Optical 3D Measurement Techniques (1989-2009). The past editions of O3DM were held in Strasbourg (France) in December 2019 and in Wuerzburg (Germany) in December 2022 under the umbrella of ISPRS

The primary theme of O3DM is the precise 3D measurement and accurate modelling from imaging and range sensors

O3DM topics of interest include:

O3DM is focussed on the growing interest in processing and modelling technology, and the increasing demand for accurate 3D models in applications such as industrial inspection, aerospace and automotive design, material and component testing, scene documentation, motion analysis, medicine and the exploration of remote and hazardous sites, just to name a few. 

O3DM, like its predecessor events, wants to encourage the cooperation and information exchange between academia and industry in the field of optical metrology.

O3DM is an international workshop supported by the International Society of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS).


O3DM is organized as an ISPRS event and the third O3DM workshop will be held in Brescia, Italy, during 12-13 December 2024 at the University of Brescia. Brescia has excellent transport access by high speed trains and airports from Bergamo (30 min), Verona (30 min) or Milano (1h). 

O3DM will be held in conjunction with the 8th international workshop "LowCost 3D".  These are two complementary scientific events, accessible with the same registration fee, that will provide delegates with a wide range of topics centred on optical 3D measurement systems and applications. Technical sessions will run in parallel among the two events and participants can join both tracks with just one registration fee.

Venue:  Università degli Studi di Brescia - Via delle Battaglie 50 or via San Faustino 41 (double entrance)


Giorgio Vassena, Universita' di Brescia

Mark Shortis, RMIT University, Australia

Fabio Remondino, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy


Devrim Akca, Isik University, Turkey

Takashi Fuse, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Derek Lichti, University of Calgary, Canada

Thomas Luhmann, Jade University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Hans-Gerd Maas, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Ferdinand Maiwald, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Fabio Menna, University of Sassari, Italy

Erica Nocerino, University of Sassari, Italy

Gunther Notni, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Mechanics, Germany

Andreas Nüchter,  Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany

Maria-Valasia Peppa, Newcastle University, UK

Samanta Piano, University of Nottingham, England

Andreas Rietdorf, Hexagon Germany

Stuart Robson, University College London, England

Danilo Schneider, University of Applied Sciences Dresden, Germany

Marco Tarabini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Antonio Tommaselli, São Paulo Sate University, Brazil

Markus Ulrich, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany

Michael Weinmann, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


(shared with LowCost3D workshop)


Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Real-time visual localisation framework for satellite-based navigation

Reliable operation of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) for positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) is essential for applications e.g. in communication and transport. Disruptions to GNSS threaten safety and security. The EU-funded Egeniouss project aims to enhance European GNSS services by creating an accurate, cost-effective cloud service. This service incorporates innovative multi-sensor navigation with visual localization to address GNSS challenges. Initially, it will feature an application programming interface for smartphones and drones, showcased in three case studies. Following successful validation, the service will expand for broader application.


Jade Hochschule, Oldenburg, Germany

State-of-the-art in forensic photogrammetry

Geosurveying has been used in in police investigations for several years, mostly to survey traffic collisions. In recent years optical 3D metrology has replaced typical accident surveying and has found its way in several other areas of forensic work including forensic pathology. Specifically, low-cost sensors play an important role to enable smaller police units to perform state-of-the-art incident documentation. However, optical 3D metrological data is not only acquired to document scenes and traces, but also to perform advanced reconstructions of incidents. The aim is to provide deeper insight for the court and enable more adequate judgement.


TU Delft, The Netherlands

Traditional to AI-based 3D scene capture and modeling

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been demonstrated to offer breakthrough potential for numerous applications. This presentation will delve into how AI has revolutionized the field of 3D scene capture, enabling the creation of more realistic and accurate 3D models. For this purpose, the presentation will review major developments in 3D scene capture from traditional methods to recent state-of-the-art techniques in terms of neural radiance fields (NeRF) and 3D Gaussian Splatting as well as respective variants to further increase robustness and handle complex scenarios. Finally, remaining limitations of current methods as well as potential directions for future work will be discusseed.


(dedicated to O3DM workshop) 


Technical University Dresden, Germany

Photogrammetric techniques for crack analysis in ultra-highspeed camera image sequences

Civil engineering material testing involves various kinds of load and impact experiments on (re-inforced) concrete probes. A major goal herein is the detection of cracks. Herein, imaging techniques offer the crucial advantage of delivering precise spatio-temporally resolved information on crack positions and crack widths. In our research, we use ultra-highspeed cameras with up to 7 million frames per second to also monitor crack development and to determine crack velocities, which are in the order of 1000 m/s.


Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Red Hot Steel: Challenges of 3D Optical Metrology in modern steelmaking companies

Complex challenges arise from the integration of 3D optical metrology in contemporary steelmaking and metal-working operations. Contrary to expectation, the greatest difficulties do not arise from the obstacles posed by high temperatures or harsh environments requiring robust measurement solutions. Often, there's a nuanced understanding of metrology concepts, with experts struggling to distinguish between instrumental uncertainty, measurand variability and definitional uncertainty. The lecture aims to underscore the importance of technological innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration in efficiently adopting 3D optical measurement systems in modern metalworking industries.


We invite submission of original research contributions, as well as demonstrations of successful applications in the following areas of optical 3D metrology: 

Characterisation and Calibration of 3D Sensing: investigation on passive sensors, active scanning devices (fringe projection, coded/white light, phase shift technique, etc.), mobile and handheld 3D devices, complementary 6DoF sensors, sensor design, advances in calibration and orientation techniques, automatic data acquisition and strategies for next best view planning, accuracy and performances evaluation (test objects, methodologies, facilities and standards), certification and acceptance of optical technologies

3D Processing and Modelling: sensor integration and data fusion, image sequence analyses, precise 3D digitization, image- and range-based 3D modelling, assessment of model quality, automatic matching and segmentation of structured and unstructured scenes, local, semi-global and global image matching strategies, multi-view registration and integration, point cloud analysis and interpretation, 3D model optimization, modelling of deformable surfaces, automation and process control, deformation measurement and analysis, object tracking, rapid prototyping and 3D printing for digital/physical twinning, colour processing, photometric stereo and Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), inline 3D metrology, macro-photogrammetry.

3D applications of optical metrology in: manufacturing, engineering, positioning, robotics, entertainment, geosciences, natural and built environment, medical and biological sciences, etc.


Abstract Submission - 13 September 2024 (extended)

Notification to Authors - 1 October 2024

Full Paper Submission - 8 November 2024


Given the aforementioned themes, abstracts should be around 2 pages. Authors are encouraged to include figures and diagrams to illustrate the concepts and to use the ISPRS abstract template. Please send your contribution (first-author.pdf or first-author_etal.pdf) to o3dm@fbk.eu before the deadline.

Abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and accepted contributions must then be converted into full papers in order to be published in the conference proceedings. Full papers must be formatted according to the ISPRS template and be a maximum of 8 pages.  After the authors affiliations and before the keywords, please type only Technical Commission II, without any reference to a Working Group. Please send your full paper (first-author.pdf or first-author_etal.pdf) to o3dm@fbk.eu before the deadline.

The accepted full papers will be published in the ISPRS International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

Each submitted paper must have at least one paid registration fee in order to be published in the ISPRS Archives and have an oral presentation included in the technical sessions of the event. The ISPRS Archives are indexed in SCOPUS.

Supported by:


A Special Issue in the 'Metrology' journal has been established to showcase 'Advances in Optical 3D Metrology'.  The Special Issue will seek innovative contributions as well as extended & improved articles that have been already presented at the O3DM workshop.  All manuscripts will be thoroughly refereed through a blind peer-review process.  Accepted papers will be published as peer reviewed articles in the journal  A limited number of processing fee waivers will be offered to authors of the most outstanding O3DM papers. Metrology (ISSN 2673-8244) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides an advanced forum for articles covering theory, design and application in measurement science or measurement technology. 


Registration fees cover session attendance for both events, and include coffee breaks, lunches and Icebreaker party (on the 12th). Students should provide a valid evidence of their student status (to be sent by email to o3dm@fbk.eu with proof of registration). The technical sessions of LowCost3D (LC3D) and Optical 3D Metrology (O3DM) will run in parallel but in the same building and participants could freely move from one event to another.

EARLY FEE (until October 4th, 2024)

NORMAL FEE (from October 5th until December 5th)



The registration and payment form is available here:

Reimbursement are possible before 1st of November 2024 with 30% deduction on the paid fee.


When booking directly thru the hotel, please advise that you are part of the LC3D or O3DM workshops orgaized by the University of Brescia. A 10% discount will be applied if rooms are available.

When booking on their website, please enter the Promo code “UNIBS CONGRESS"

When booking on their website, please use the Promo code "ISPRS2024"


O3DM 2024 will feature various technical sessions with oral presentations. It will start on Thursday 12th in the morning and end on Friday 13th at noon. The workshop will also include demo sessions. Invited presentations will be in common with the Low Cost 3D workshop.

...more details coming soon...


Sixteen Videometrics conferences were held in a series started in 1991 by Sabry El-Hakim. Under the auspices of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) from the beginning, the first conference on Industrial Vision Metrology was held in Winnipeg, Canada. Based on the success of this first venture into an emerging discipline, the conference was renamed Videometrics and held in conjunction with the SPIE Photonics East group of conferences in Boston and Philadelphia during 1992-1995. 

The conference was originally focused on the metric performance of image sensors and algorithms to produce the most accurate and reliable geometric measurements and models. Topics such as sensor calibration, performance evaluation and accurate object reconstruction were predominant.  It was later expanded to encompass all phases of 3D optical imaging, range imaging and modelling.

Videometrics was then re-located to become part of SPIE Photonics West, held annually in California. The conferences were held in San Diego in 1997, in San Jose in 1999 and 2001, then moved to Santa Clara in 2003 and moved back to San Jose in 2005 and 2007.  The conference then became part of Optics + Photonics program track on Image and Signal Processing within the Optical Engineering and Applications conferences in San Diego in 2009. The conference was renamed to "Videometrics, Range Imaging and Applications" to reflect the changes in contemporary practice. 

Throughout all of this period the attendance from North America was slowly declining, and the participation from Europe and Asia had strengthened, despite the impact of the global financial downturn. Therefore in 2011 it was decided to move the Videometrics series to Munich, Germany, to be part of the SPIE Europe conference on Optical Metrology, co-located with the World of Photonics conference and exhibition. The general theme of Optical Metrology resonated very well with Videometrics and the majority of authors and presenters from Europe confirmed the correct decision to relocate the conference.  Videometrics was held in Munich in 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017.

After the initial success in Munich, the Videometrics brand became very diluted and the character of the conference began to change.  Partly because of the many conferences under the umbrella of Optical Metrology, the themes became very broad and the conference began to lose its identity. Simultaneously the attendances in the technical sessions fell away and participation from industry declined, despite the best efforts in the most recent editions to engage with industry and provide keynote speakers from the leading edge of commercial development.

Accordingly, with the support of the technical committee, the organisers made the difficult decision not to offer Videometrics, Range Imaging and Applications in 2019.  Instead, the organisers and committee committed to try a new approach that is much more tightly focussed on precise 3D measurement using optical systems, with an emphasis on industry relevance.  From this idea the concept of Optical 3D Metrology was born and organized under the ISPRS umbrella. 

Past conference proceedings are available here: